Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Ever Changing Bed Time Routine

One thing I have learned while raising my daughter, is that while they love routine (or think they do) what is routine to them is not routine for you.  For instance.  I have spent the last 3 months getting my daughter Nay to go to bed at a regular time, 8:00.  we read about 4 stories and snuggle and she is out like a light.  however, that lasted 3 days.  the next few days, it was pushing the bed time to about 8:15, and 5 stories.  the next few nights it was 8:30 and 7 stories.  you get the idea.  so what seems like a routine for her, is just not much of a routine for me.  Is it sad that i sort of dread the bedtime routine?  I think the ever changing routine, along with the struggle over how many books to read is messing with me.  I work full time and i only get to have about 4 hours with her each night before bed and while i try to treasure those hours, some days i find myself trying to bump up that bedtime routine for my own sanity.  Since it is constantly changing i am honestly afraid what will be next.  Lately it has been a snack while reading stories, etc.  I know it will drop off at some point and i should just really enjoy it while it lasts, but i find this change to be consistent with so many things with her, if that is even possible. 

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